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Thank you for rejoining us at Barcelona as we gradually reopen our restaurants. Your feedback will help guide us as we recreate our menus, our service and overall experience for the current times.
Please select location
Please provide your email address if you would like to contacted about your experience.
Were you happy or unhappy with your experience today?
As we come out of the time of closed restaurants, we understand that safety and sanitation is on the top of many people's minds. Did we fulfill your expectations of providing a safe place to come out, dine, and spend time with other people?
In the future, will you likely plan to dine-in at Barcelona or take-home?
What is the primary reason you chose Barcelona to visit now that restaurants are reopening?
If we added a retail section to our restaurant, what would you be most interested to see offered there?
What were you happy to find offered on our menus? What was missing?
How likely are you to recommend Barcelona to others?